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Sewing machine sales and garment industry shift change in the situation faced
Garment industry from the coastal cities to the Midwest big trend shift is already inevitable, for the closely related sewing machinery industry, it is an opportunity but also a challenge, even in the face reshuffle sales field.
Sewing machine how to follow up the industrial transfer
Sewing equipment industry and garment industry is the relationship between the teeth and the lips, you need to interdependence, every step of the garment industry to adjust the layout corresponding adjustment will bring sewing machine industry. However, coordination between the two is it? Is slavishly change or tune in? Point adjustment is still sewing industry to re-shuffle? These realities have been eager to put in front of the sewing equipment industry.
Let us first look at the existing domestic sewing machine industry, industrial layout, after 30 years of rapid development, China's six main areas sewing machine: Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Jiangsu. From the six geographical areas difficult to see where the shadow of the national side although the reform and opening policy guidance, but more visible sewing machine attachment relationship between industry and the clothing industry. If we say, eight years of the last century brought about the prevalence of home sewing machines sewing machine manufacturers almost all over the country, but later disappeared nineties home machine, and rapid coastal clothing industry, the direct result of the sewing machinery industry today industrial distribution.
Today, the garment industry has massive westward, the new garment industrial park, the new garment factories, the new production plant ...... bustling scene, which is bound to bring a range of newborn sewing equipment needs. Purchasing Manager Yang Yi Garments Co., Ltd. of Henan Wang told reporters: "Recently, there has been a lot in Zhengzhou new sewing machine distribution points, of which there are some previous understanding of the brand, and some are simply not heard of us over the brand. many manufacturers and distributors directly to find us, told us about their products. although little change in the overall price, but at least we can choose the scope is broader .. We have therefore changed the original purchase appropriate plan, within a reasonable price range, we will be more to choose some of the big brands, reliable products. the nationwide industrial gradient transfer of clothing, clothing enterprises in Henan Province is also a good thing, on the one hand there was competition progress, on the other hand to create a better industry Henan atmosphere, like this one very obvious, is not convenient to purchase equipment before now been sent to the doorstep. "
Of course, in the interview, many garment enterprises are also emphasized in the choice of equipment on the fact that they care more about the long-term integrity of a partnership, if you can not change or try to sustain the supply side. So, with the westbound these companies, they are supporting dealers in coastal areas are fully committed to follow up? Midwest native original dealer whether as an opportunity to grow up quickly? Among these complex relationships are intertwined also be further stroke along.

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